Over 300 blog posts written from 2012-2017; in the end it’s a look at how I went from being a conservative Evangelical stay-at-home parent to a liberal, feminist, graduate student studying how Evangelicalism formed me in the ways of white supremacy. Click through for more.

Growing up a child of the 1980s and 90s in West Michigan, where the conflation of religion, politics, and the evangelical subculture was especially potent, I learned that the physical and cultural fabric of a life are intimately connected.
I spent the first half of my childhood as a white kid in a majority Black city. Then we moved to the next town over, where I spent the second half learning I was a poor kid in a rich town.
I was taught by my physical landscape to desire whiteness and wealth, and the evangelical church gave me a version of the Bible which said the same.
I’ve had a wide variety of experiences with evangelicalism. My two most formative denominations were Baptists and Assemblies of God, but I experienced everything in-between, having significant relationships with 11 different denominations by the time I was 30.
I grew up in the evangelical subcultural bubble, and yet what I have come to realize, as I’ve raised my 5 kids, left the evangelical church, and moved away from Michigan, is that the bubble was not a system designed to protect us from the world. Instead, it was a force meant to control it.
The driving focus of my research is understanding how white supremacy is used culturally by evangelicals in order to garner support for their political goals.
I am interested in the way space racializes people, in both the physical and cultural landscapes. This interest illuminates how the racial logics which drive public and private development are reinscribed through cultural products such as books and music. These logics work to cultivate white supremacy in the participants, so that they support a racialized society.
My research interests include, evangelicalism, liberation theology, white supremacy, evangelical pop culture, the racial formation of whiteness, christian nationalism, feminist and womanist theory, purity culture, white femininity, American history, late 20th century politics, and empire.
Not allowed to go to a university after high school, I went back to college in my mid-30s. I received my Associate’s Degree from Piedmont Virginia Community College in 2018, and graduated from the University of Virginia with a Bachelor of Arts in American Studies with Distinction in 2020. My undergraduate thesis, You’re My Scum Sweetheart: Audio Adrenaline, Contemporary Christian Music, and White Jesus looked at the way one Contemporary Christian Music band was implicitly embedded with white supremacy.
Currently I am a Master’s Student at the University of Virginia in the Religious Studies department, where I am writing my thesis on CCM Magazine.
Throughout my time at UVA, I have consistently pursued papers and projects related to my interests around cultural and physical racial spacialization. They tend to center around local history, evangelical pop culture, and other racialized pop culture topics.
We Need Bold and Angry Christians
Flinging Sparks at the Darkness
The Flies Will Conquer the Flypaper
For the Love of Humanity
35 and Free
When You Are A Christian Voting for Trump
Empire As A Way of Life – A Review
The Formation of Whiteness
Sporadic posts written after I stopped blogging.
To all the church leaders I knew before…
On reading books and discovering powerful women
Dec 18, 2018 / Read More
Ban Confederate Imagery in Schools
There was a meeting of the school board tonight that I was suddenly unable to attend, where I was going to read this statement; from what...
Aug 23, 2018 / Read More
Daring To Be A Woman: Examining Brio Magazine (Series)
Women are catching a disease that makes them invisible. They don’t die………they just fade away to translucency. This is the plot of one of ...
May 09, 2018 / Read More
An Empowered Love: Examining Brio Magazine (Series)
Of course, women so empowered are dangerous. — Audre Lorde
May 09, 2018 / Read More
but the woman is the glory
What would you die for? They told me this, the christians. They said to picture it, prepare for it, because this is the test of your devo...
Apr 22, 2018 / Read More
The Worth of a Girl: Examining Brio Magazine (Series)
Make a merry gathering/On the bank/Where thousands perished/For brave hurt words/They said.
Feb 05, 2018 / Read More
I saw so much white supremacy in action this weekend, and I’m not just talking about David Duke and Richard Spencer. The white supremacy ...
Aug 18, 2017 / Read More
Witness to Suffering
We romanticize suffering because we know the weight of looking at it honestly will crush us. It’s why we have best-selling books about th...
Feb 23, 2017 / Read More
Invisibility of Life
“Without light I am not only invisible, but formless as well; and to be unaware of one’s form is to live a death.” — Ralph Ellison, Invis...
Feb 18, 2017 / Read More
We Need Bold and Angry Christians
They want us to be quiet. Peaceful. Gentle. They want us to be Ruth in all things. Where you go, I will go, and your god will be my god, ...
Jan 28, 2017 / Read More