The way we move in the world is so often largely invisible to ourselves. We are unaware that what we take for granted could be so foreign to someone else. “How have you never heard of this show?”, “How have you never eaten this food?”, “What do you mean; mayonnaise is a white people thing?”….
The Flies Will Conquer the Flypaper
The Formation of Whiteness
Looking back, it was the little things that shaped me. The memories that stare me in the face, asking ‘Why do you still think of me? What can I possibly mean to you?’ It was one decision. One moment in a million moments of parenting, and yet it’s one I remember, albeit somewhat vaguely….
Capitalism – How Much Are We Willing To Give Up For Our Neighbors?
Solidarity and Poverty
[blockquote type=”center”]What does solidarity with the poor look like when you’re trying to avoid generational poverty?[/blockquote] This is a question I’ve been sitting with for awhile now. And I read this article earlier today that made me think some things. I was born in 1981, so I’m just barely a millennial, and my…